Lachlan Perry

Lachlan is the Founding & Managing Director of Endpoint Digital. He has years of experience as an in-house senior SEO specialist and digital strategist, and has worked with many businesses across a diverse range of industry verticals. With a graduate's degree in Data Science, he is a data-driven expert that leverages statistical insights to craft personalised strategies.

A man making hand gestures in front of a laptop, notepad and phone.

Medical SEO: Improve Your Healthcare Website’s Rankings

Healthcare is one of the biggest industries in the world and for obvious reasons – health is fundamental to living a long, happy and fruitful life.  SEO (search engine optimisation) is a highly sought after service for medical-based websites, as a vast majority of people take to search engines to solve their health-related symptoms, or

Medical SEO: Improve Your Healthcare Website’s Rankings Read More »

A lady with rings and a watch using a Macbook laptop.

Facebook’s Australian News Ban: Everything You Need To Know

Unless you live under a rock, you might’ve noticed that the social media giant has banned all national and international media content from showing to Australian users. This is one of the most hard-lined approaches to the recent and ongoing news media bargaining code introduced by the ACCC, which is trying to force huge tech

Facebook’s Australian News Ban: Everything You Need To Know Read More »

A man writing notes down on a pad with a laptop in front of him.

Evergreen Content: Why It’s Important For Your Marketing Strategy

Want to know the secret sauce to building a blog that ranks for important keywords, generates consistent organic traffic, and naturally curates backlinks?  Enter: evergreen content, a powerful technique to get the most out of your content marketing efforts. Aligning your content strategy with your marketing goals will be an uphill battle if you are

Evergreen Content: Why It’s Important For Your Marketing Strategy Read More »

A man and coworker using their laptops at a desk.

301 vs 302 Redirects: What They Are & When To Use Them

If you’ve faced the dilemma of changing domain names, removing pages, updating permalinks or you’re simply curious about what 301 and 302 redirects are, you’ve come to the right place. More than just a random sequence of numbers, they are powerful signals used to notify Google when pages have moved permanently or temporarily without entirely

301 vs 302 Redirects: What They Are & When To Use Them Read More »

A smiling Asian woman and her African coworker.

Marketing Funnels 101: Everything You Need To Know

In order to build a solid foundation of lead generation, you absolutely must have a streamlined marketing process that understands the buyer’s journey from start to finish. The chances are, you’ve heard the word ‘marketing funnel’ and ‘buyer’s journey’ before. It’s such a common concept to understand, right? You think about something you need or

Marketing Funnels 101: Everything You Need To Know Read More »

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